Timka - Guardian of "Water"

character voice: Kisaichi Atsushi

basic character information

Age13 (in Trois- 16)
Height161cm (in Trois- 176cm)
Weight43kg (in Trois- 60kg)
BirthdaySeptember 20
Blood TypeA
Origina subtropical planet
Lineageroyal family
Familyfather, mother, younger brother
Hobbiesreading fairy tales, singing
Best FriendLumiale
Worst Friendnone in particular
Ideal Womana cheerful woman
Favorite Scentthe scent of the ocean
Favorite Animaldolphin
Favorite Foodhis home planet's soups
Disliked Foodlemons
PersonalityThe crown prince of his planet. Well-bred and obedient, he has an inner fortitude.

costume evolution

coming soon


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