Scary if it Were True

Angelique Ensemble 2

by Yura Kairi
Translation by Marfisa

page 31

*The Sequel*
Scary if it Were True
by Yura Kairi

One night, in a dream,
I was a boy.

Rosalion- Heh.

Angelio- I'm Angelio.

Even though it was a dream, I had to cultivate.

*door opening*

I had to show that common boy that I was proper as Emperor.

Rosalion- Excuse me.

Rosalion- Wh, what!?

page 32

Ranran- Spring breeze Ranran.

Marcela- Song voice of Green Marcela.

Zephita- Steel-heeled Zephita.

page 33

All- The 3 lively girls of the Sanctuary!
The Sweet Honey Angels!!


*springing up*

Rosalia was unable to recover...

Rosa- C... compared to me.......

Randy-sama's chest was bigger...
Marcel-sama's waist was slimmer...
Zephel-sama's legs were prettier...


Marfisa's Angelique is © Rahenna & Marfisa (1999-2014) and is part of
This is a non-profit fansite. :D